Sears Gazetteer – Arizona

J.M. Sears Estate

J.M. and his daughter are mentioned in a civil filing dated December 7, 1934.

J.M. Sears … was engaged in the cattle business in Arizona for many years, at first alone and later with his two sons George and W.P. Sears and his son-in-law Harry Kay, the husband of appellant. When he had reached approximately the age of sixty-eight, he sold out his interests and retired from active business, investing the money thus secured principally in mortgages on Phoenix real estate. Mr. Sears was a man of considerable native ability but little education, and for about twelve years his son-in-law Harry Kay looked after his investments for him. Thereafter his son George Sears handled the business for about four  years, and on account of failing health of the former it was transferred to W.P. Sears, at present the sole surviving son of J.M. Sears, who cared for his father’s property under a power of attorney for about four years prior to the appointment of a guardian. 

J.M. Sears passed away on January 14, 1937, leaving a large estate of $50,000. Adjusted for inflation that would be around $1,000,000 in today’s money. Another filing shows up in the courts, “Kay v. Kay”, in 1938, between Ella and her husband Harry Kay. Perry W. Sears was named as his attorney, who was accused of appropriating money and property from J.M. Sears.


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