Eleonora Sears – Newspaper Navigator Profile

The Library of Congress launched a new version of the Newspaper Navigator on September 15, 2020. The Newspaper Navigator is a next-generation Cognitive Search indexer containing over 1.5 million newspaper photos with associated captions. Images are recognized, objects detected, captioned, and searched by visual similarity.

Inspired by Beyond Words, a crowdsourced way of detecting and captioning images in historical newspapers, Benjamin Lee and his team trained models on over 16 million supervised images and OCR-corrected text.

Ray Sears has curated a few images and text from the collection, including Eleonora “Eleo” Randolph Sears, a superstar athlete from a long line of tennis players, one of Boston’s First Families and great-great granddaughter of Thomas Jefferson. Additional sources of information added by Andrew Sears from around the interweb.

This post is many pages long. If you want to learn more, grab the book Prides Crossing by Peggy Miller Franck, and don’t forget to click on the page links at the bottom!

Eleonora Sears

Eleonora Randolph Sears (September 28, 1881, Boston – March 16, 1968 Palm Beach) was an American tennis player of the interwar period. In addition, she was a champion squash player, and prominent in other sports; she’s considered one of the leading all-round women athletes of the first half of the 20th century.

(Note: the dates of her birth differ between Wikipedia and some other sources. And the spelling of her name changes depending on the source.)

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